Xevo TQ-S micro Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry

A robust and sensitive tandem, commonly known as triple quadrupole MS with compact design, featuring unparalleled performance with a wide dynamic range and high rates of data acquisition.
Product Details

High Performance from a Compact Design with Rapid, Reliable and Reproducible Quantitative Data

Revolutionary design has produced a tandem quadrupole instrument with a small footprint that delivers consistent low levels of quantitation with a wide dynamic range.

Robust performance enabling reproducible detection of analytes at low levels in complex matrices
Confidently quantify more analytes using high acquisition rates
Accessible sensitivity and method transfer with the Xtended Dynamic Range (XDRTM) detector
Understand sample complexity and improve method development with RADARTM

Xevo TQ-S micro Product Brochure
Xevo TQ-S micro Specification Sheet

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