FractionLynx™ Application Manager manages and automates your sample purification process. FractionLynx controls fraction collection and tracks your samples, their fractions, and associated data, all accessible through the FractionLynx browser.
Detect Compounds to Trigger and Collect Fractions
FractionLynx offers you flexible compound detection, fraction triggering and collection capabilities. You can tailor your purification system to your specific compound and laboratory needs:
Detection schemes include any combination of UV, PDA, ELSD, and MS detectors
Fraction triggering options using time-based criteria or signal intensity threshold and slope
Fraction collection options include sequential (continuous in one tube after another), one-for-one (collects fractions into a single location), and reserved tubes (allocates a specified number of tubes for a single sample analysis)
Review Sample and Fraction Data
The dedicated FractionLynx browser presents sample and fraction information and data in one interactive location. You may review chromatograms, fraction spectra and fraction information. Further, the browser allows you to manually modify sample and fraction status if necessary.
Extend Open Access Capabilities
Coupling the OpenLynx™ Open Access and FractionLynx Application Managers allows your chemists to use the OpenLynx Open Access Login to walk up, submit samples and then automatically receive prepared results.
Integrate the Purification and Analysis Processes
FractionLynx’s AutoPurify™ features automated sample analysis, purification and fraction assessment. By automating the transition between these processes, AutoPurify provides you with an integrated solution to the overall purification and analysis process.